Tavern 2.0 feedback thread

Hi! This is an all volunteer community, and contributions that improve security are welcome. Also, please keep feedback in this thread to feedback about this forum specifically. Feel free to make a different post elsewhere if needed.

1 Thank

I think itā€™s less a matter of technicalities and more a matter of awareness, and itā€™s not specific to one server or one site. I donā€™t blame you or anyone though, people just want to play a game. There just needs to be more awareness of the importance of security, and everything else would come from that. Fortunately, it seems like this forum has good HTTPS security as I said (I wouldnā€™t have registered if not), so thatā€™s well done. Although the r/dcss subreddit seems to be more popular than this forum (to raise awareness), I donā€™t want to make a Reddit account for now. Anyway, thank you for answering.

The ā€œeducation courseā€ for new member seems broken, as well as some site-wide hints. The bot didnā€™t recognize a link at all (I had to skip that lesson), asked me to press a non-existent ā€œheartā€ button (itā€™s actually the thumbs-up button), asked me to use site-wide search to search in a post (had to use good ole ctrl+f instead). I also repeatedly got a hint telling me to click the ellipsis button under a post to see all the options (thereā€™s no such button, the options were already shown on that page). And other smaller things that I didnā€™t remember.

Thanks for the feedback. Some of it I may be able to fix.

  • Ellipsis: not sure what you mean, I see an ellipsis button under every post and comment (including when not logged in as an admin), to the left of the reply button. If this isnā€™t there, could you post a screenshot?

  • Sitewide search: itā€™s in the upper right, to the right of ā€œReport a bugā€. When you open it from within a topic, it defaults to searching in that topic. Edit: this was wrong, it doesnā€™t default to it, but you have to click the ā€œin this topicā€ button in the popup.

No matter where I initiate the search (this thread or the educational thread in the inbox), pressing enter always defaults to the wide search, thereā€™s even a popup that says exactly that (I didnā€™t even notice the popup until now).


Perhaps the bot should just mention that.

Cannot reproduce anymore. I think I got a trust level upgrade in one tab, and switched topic in another tab. Privilege cache is always a reliable source of funā€¦

yes, what I said about searching within a post wasnā€™t quite right, you need to click on the ā€œin this topicā€ option in the dropdown, and it defaults to site-wide search.

Iā€™ve replaced the hearts in the tutorial message (the thumbsup is a tavern-specific customization). I ran through the tutorial myself and didnā€™t spot any other obvious issues.

FR: Remove CAO Scoring link from site

Better security practice to provide https than http links, most links seem to be https, but this one http link sticks out.

1 Thank

Sorry, I donā€™t get it ā€“ is the suggestion that cao scoring shouldnā€™t be linked because itā€™s not https? Itā€™s the official scoring site and itā€™s quite popular. Itā€™s also a completely static site. Better to advocate for cao getting SSL.

Sure, cao getting SSL works as well. Could show https://dcss-stats.vercel.app/ meanwhile as placeholder scoring site until cao gets their SSL. Another alternative idea that popped to my head is putting some warning label besides CAO Scoring link until they get their SSL. For example ā€œYour connection wonā€™t be encrypted if you visit this site!ā€

HTTPS provides security beyond just encryption/confidentiality. Actually, Iā€™d say encryption is a minor benefit most of the time; more important than that is integrity and authenticity.

1 Thank

CAO scoring now supports https, so Iā€™ve updated the link accordingly.

3 Thanks