I wanted to change the spell auto-assigned keybinds (a, b, c, etc.) to 1, 2, 3, etc. on the numpad, but = didn’t work, it would just tell me to “pick a letter” whenever I tried a number. Any way around this? Or did I miss something in the guide?
Only letters can function as “slots” for inventory, spells, and abilities. There’s an open suggestion to increase the inventory slots from max 52 (all letters, lowercase and uppercase) to 62 (addition of all digits), which I assume would also apply to spells and abilities, but it isn’t yet implemented.
However, more advanced players have set up macros and Lua scripts and other advanced stuff I don’t touch, so it’s probably possible to achieve something similar to that with it. Wait for others to answer as well.
If you go into a game, you can create a macro that zaps the spell in your ‘a’ slot when you press 1 using the keystrokes ~~~1za
(the ~~~ is to open the macro menu)
I specifically want to press z, then 1 instead of z then a, does that make sense? Because I’d still like to use numkeys for movement.
You might be able to accomplish this with macros. I’ve done something similar with my F keys. I have F1-4 set so that it will wield a weapon (enhancer staff) and then cast the spell in A slot. Then F5-8 are for a different weapon.
The only part that I’m unsure of is whether the macros can distinguish between numpad and the row ones. I have also remapped my numpad buttons for an different reason… I’m not sure if those macros work with the row numbers.
this code works if you press z11
you will have to remove the periods
macros += M 1 ===cast
show_more = false
function cast()
. local message = crawl.messages(1)
. message = message:sub(1, -3)
. if message == "You don't know that spell." then
. crawl.process_keys('za')
. end
Thank you! Where would I be pasting this? init.txt?
In your rc file