CIP: Which acquirement choice should I take for my DsGl?

I’m mostly split between the bear spirit hat and the demon blade

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They both have their pros and cons. I’d probably take the bear hat because I’m a sucker for unrand arts. Spirit shield is incredible and will++ is super nice. The rage will carry you until it stops working in a pack. You’d have to be very careful with it.

The blade is ok. Pain is good if you invest in necro with it but I really dislike the will-. That could put you in some serious jeopardy.

And the fighting manual is OK. No downside whatsoever. Fighting is always something you want to be training.

But I’d probably take the hat and then die because I o-tabbed too much.

I’d say the manual. *Rage scares me, and as good as pain is you have no other use for Necromancy.

The hat then put on the acrobat amulet. If your rage wears out mid fight the EV boost will make AoO damage negligible to get back to a corner. Putting a few points into Evo for roots or light will help offset that as well.

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Update: Grabbed the bear hat, and died to a dire elephant on lair:5 to my hubris, less mindless O+tab and more so getting unlucky with damage and not using petition. Also not taking the demonblade was much better because I found another later.

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That is unfortunate :frowning: