Coglin weapon questions

How does attack speed work when you’re wielding two weapons of different speeds? Do both just continue to attack at their own rate? That was my assumption, but when I wielded a heavy long sword in my offhand it seemed to slow down my longsword of electrocution in my main hand as well…

Is offhand different than your main weapon in terms of damage or anything else? If they’re equivalent, it might be better not to use the term ‘offhand’ as it implies a weaker attack, like the UC offhand attack.

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The wiki says the attack speed for both is the average of the two. So if you were at min delay (Long Blades skill ≥ 14), you would attack with both long swords every (7 + 10.5) / 2 = 8.75 auts.

I believe the weapons are treated identically whether they are “wielded” or “in off hand”.

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Main hand attacks before the offhand, if you kill something with a main hand melee attack, offhand will not attack, this is mostly relevant for axes.

Uh this is interesting. Does this mean you can reliably stab if you wield a short blad main and something else off? I thought Coglins had a problem stabbing because the order was random, but maybe this was while they were still in development.

Attack order is still random, it’s trivial to test. It doesn’t matter which weapon you put in which hand.

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