Crawl Cosplay Trunk Tournament starting Friday May 24th at 0:00 UTC. Will you be participating?

It’s official: starting Friday May 24th at 0:00 UTC, we’ll be running a 4-week Crawl Cosplay Trunk Tournament that will emphasize important Trunk changes so far.

This will be based on the existing Crawl Cosplay Challenges format but with a new modified section of our usual website.

You’ll get as many tries as you want in order to accumulate the 50 points and 2 bonus stars for each of the 4 challenges.

These will run for 1 week each, giving you plenty of time to participate.

If you’ve never played a Crawl Cosplay Challenge, see for further details.

TLDR: Please let us know if you are planning on participating.


thanks advil! :slight_smile:

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