Crawl Cosplay Trunk Tournament WEEK #2: Zenata, a CoAr

Welcome to week #2 of the 1st ever Crawl Cosplay Trunk Tournament (CCTT) that highlights important Trunk changes so far in trunk v0.32

WEEK #2 Challenge: Zenata, Seeker of Sheza

Important Tournament Rules:

  • Submitted runs must be played in trunk on one of the official online servers.
  • Seeded games are NOT accepted.
  • You can make as many attempts as you want. Feel free to submit as many morgues as you’d like. The best 2 will be kept in the website’s DB.
  • Morgues must be submitted while a challenge is active. No late submissions! Next challenge starts Friday June 7th at 0:00 UTC.


PS: a huge thank you to:

  • gammafunk and qwqw for creating the bot commands:
    • !ccttwatch
    • !tstats 7 ccttweek2
    • !oneandwoncctt
  • alkemann our WebDev for answering quickly my multiple Change Requests
1 Thank