Crawl Cosplay Trunk Tournament WEEK#4 results

The 4th week of the 1st ever Crawl Cosplay Trunk Tournament (CCTT) is over. Here’s a rundown of the stats.

Before the tournament started, Vampires (Vp) were a winning combo 1.4% (136/9893) of the time.

As for our crawlers with god as “Beogh or none”, the winrate was ~1.6% with 47 players, 27 submitters on the website, 10 winners and ~630 games played.

Congratulation to the 9 players with a perfect score of 50 pts and 2 bonus stars, with the following 7 for managing to do one-and-won (on their 1st attempt):

  • fralargala, GeeHouse, grothendieck, MrSquiggles, piedemon, Tekkud, TheMeInTeam

And lastly, the “Grinder Award” for week#4 goes to: riffraff, who killed off 80some Blorkula! Now that is commitment folks. ;-p

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