DCSS Stats website

Added filtering by stats:

4 Thanks

Added filters by runes (and version too for the /search page)

2 Thanks

Had a thought about adding a badge (like Tiamat) for types of runes collected, something like Rune Collector (x out of 17) (the name can use some work :)). While it would be pretty free for most old timers, it would be nice for newer players. There’re often posts along the lines of “I got my first rune!!!” and such, would be cool to have a thing that tracks this progress.

Can be either won games only or just any runes grabbed. Former is obviously more of a challenge, latter is better suited for encouraging people who are struggling to win at all and so better fits the spirit of the badge IMO.

3 Thanks

I think it shouldn’t require winning; since, as you say, this one should be accessible to people who haven’t won yet.

1 Thank

It’s nice idea, I like it! But unfortunately it’s not possible to implement right now, because the parser only parses logfiles with the result of the game, and this logfile does not have types of runes, only the number.

Only milestone file contains types of runes, but I have not implemented parsing of it yet.

2 Thanks

Oh well, if it’ll ever becomes possible, I’ve thought of another thing - a stat page that shows you all your extracted runes breakdown, like Decaying: 50, Gossamer: 46 etc. I bet my Slimy count is through the roof :).

2 Thanks

First of all, I really love your app! Thanks for developing and sharing it :slight_smile:
A feature that I’m missing is the possibility to upload offline wins, They could be shown in a different color or with an asterisk to emphasize that they aren’t verified.

Since the scorepage already shows players winrate in the last 30 days, would it be possible to show top 10 people by winrate in last 30 days on the main page? Even better if it was adjusted winrate like during the tournament: wins/(games+1). Else it should probably require at least 5 games played in order to avoid it just being filled with people who won 1/1 game and then didn’t play anymore.

3 Thanks

Haven’t really updated the thread here too much, but we moved to a com domain http://dcss-stats.com

Today added detailed stats for Tiamat and Polytheist achievement tooltip, was kinda surprised that I actually played only 1 game with TSO and won it with 15 runes (and it’s my single 15 rune game ever)

particleface stats on the screenshots:

Let me about any feature ideas you have :grimacing:

5 Thanks

Dude, I’ve been a fan of your tool for a while. Thank you for putting it together, and I’m really pleased with the recent changes you’e made. The extra insight into polytheist you just added as well as the calendar are very cool.

Something I’d like to be able to better visualize personally is my growth as a player. I’d love to see some graphing functions that let me see how my win rate or milestone rate etc. improves over time for a given combo or species. I’ve played around with the sequell stuff in the past to kinda make some things but I suck at it so I figured I’d ask. Thanks again for putting this whole thing together regardless.

3 Thanks

Thanks for the feedback :grimacing:

As for winrate graph, you can sort of do it now with a calendar thing, if you hover over month or year it will tell you start for them, but I definitely see that it can be a bit cumbersome, so maybe making a graph is a way! I had some graph ideas in the backlog too, for example death to XL or depth, so maybe I’ll work on graphs next, we’ll see :+1:

3 Thanks

Seeing that is what made me remember my failed attempts at sequell queries. Even seeing my improvement year over year is awesome!

2 Thanks

Added some sort of skill progression infographic to the DCSS Stats page. For now only available for the last version of game.
Let me know what you think, is it interesting or useful in any way? Or what else could be added there?

Plus now it’s possible to make a generic morgue analyzer tool, but I don’t know what else could be interesting to present. Again, if you have any ideas let me know :slight_smile:

Already planned: floor progression/order, so it will show which floors were visited in which order by most of the players

4 Thanks

This is really neat. Thanks for creating the tool. It has been invaluable to me.

2 Thanks