Why Goz:
It’s entirely a matter of personal choice.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with going Mak. I just find Mak redundant when I am piloting a DjCj.
Mak offers me (1) a backup gun, (2) solid summons, and (3) heal on kills.
When I am running a Cj, I’ve already got good enough guns in the form of Prism and IMB. Heal on kills only help me, well, when I kill. So in 1-on-1 fights, it doesn’t matter until the fight is over. With mob-on-1 fights, I’m either (or should be) running away/resetting if the mob is risky, or Troll Leather/Amulet (or Goz pot/distract) is enough if the mob is easy.
Don’t get me wrong, heal on kill is pretty sweet as are the demon pets and rando gun, but I’m okay trading those for Goz’s (1) guarantee that I’ll be able to buy whatever I find, (2) distraction on kill, (3) increased access to healing/haste/resist/inviso, and (4) massive life insurance when I go for Zot or V5 (bribe, baby, bribe!).
In other words, given my personal play preferences, Goz gives better return on the god slot than Mak. I often go non-Goz just to see what other gods are like (esp when they change em up, like in 0.32). But if I really want a win? It’s Goz for me.
It confuses a LOT of stuff, even late into the game. Including you, if you aren’t rP. But if you are Gr or Dj, you are rP, heh. So Meph point blank and go nuts whacking those now helpless enemies or run away. Be sure to xv check the targets first, just to make sure you can Meph em.
OTR/Ignite P:
Try it in Wiz mode. OTR stacks P on the targets. Then Ignite, and it’ll do some serious dmg. Rinse, repeat, profit.
Ignite also makes Meph usable vs rP enemies. Meph + Ignite is one of the best ways to get renewable death clouds. Just don’t stand it the Meph when you set it off…
(Ignite also combos with Bog later, if you happen to roll those with a Dj.)