How does the heavy brand work with attack speed reduction based on skill? I know it multiplies min delay by 1.5 (beem says “delay”, it definitely works on min and base delay). Does skill reduce delay by a constant amount based on the type of weapon? For reference, normal triple crossbows reach min delay (1.0) at 26 and have a base delay of 2.3 (Which is also lower than the heavy crossbow’s 2.5). This could also just be an example of the unrand being a modified triple crossbow.
Whatever your calculated delay is after skill is accounted for (but before it’s modified by shield/armor), it multiplies that by 1.5. this has the side effect of also meaning every two skill reduces delay by 1.5 rather than 1. The limits of skill’s reduction do not change, because it is accounted for before the brand. The text in the weapon desc builds that in–what you see there is exactly what you will get.
What are your stats?! This has got to be a Chei character right?
All @slitherrr’s points are correct.
Sniper has adjusted base stats increasing its base delay by 0.2 compared with a normal tripple crossbow, which is where these weird numbers come from.
It’s actual mindelay is 1.725 which is reached at level 27 I think.
I suspect at 28 skill its actual attack delay would be 1.65, and the only reason that it still mentions the 28 skill point is legacy reasons. I don’t think there’s any special casing for the weapon (beyond increasing the base attack delay) in the code. I haven’t checked.
If that’s the case we ideally should update the description to just mention 27 skill.
I’m pretty sure this was a Lv1 DgHu in ZigSprint. It’s better with the storm bow, but I saw the 28 min delay on Sniper and was wondering about how heavy works.
Yeah the display is most likely it’s because the “real” mindelay is fractional, not because 28 is actually achievable. Delay only displays each tenth (even though it will calculate at higher precision iirc)