Looking for a programmer to create a new DCSS Revenant unique during the next 2 weeks

The next CCTT (Crawl Cosplay Trunk Tournament) will likely take place in March 2025.
For it, I’d like to create 1 or 2 new DCSS Uniques (or modify existing Uniques) based on the new additions in trunk.
If you can program DCSS PRs, please let me know if you’d like to be involved in this.
RoGGa :smiley:

1 Thank

I’ve started posting ideas in the CC Discord’s #cc_tournaments text channel:

For the CCTT (Crawl Cosplay Trunk Tournament) starting on Friday (most likely), I’m looking for a Crawl programmer to make a new Revenant crawl Unique during the next 2 weeks.

My guess is that it would be fairly easy to do since there is DracoOmega’s Wiglaf commit to use as a template:

Looking forward to working with who ever has the time and knowledge!
You can either post your interest here or in our CC discord: Crawl Cosplay

RoGGa :-D

DracoOmega has an idea for a Revenant DCSS Unique that they think of implementing in “less than a week”…so the programmer search is on hold until then.