New Gauntlet

How frequently do you manage to complete the new (Minotaur) gauntlet? Ninety nine times out of 100 the gauntlet appears when my character is very underpowered to even think about attempting it. I can think of but one occasion when I was able to (barely) get to the Minotaur :crying_cat_face:

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My experience has been the same as yours, I think: previously it seemed more common for the gauntlet to appear at a time when I felt I could defeat the minotaur, now I mostly feel way underpowered and just skip it. I think on 2-3 occasions, I got to the minotaur (and defeated it once).

I’d say it’s like 75% I can make it through.

Most of the time I do it. There are some boxes that can be undoable and you have to skip, but that’s maybe 10% of the time. A lot of the time you can just run straight to the portal without even killing the enemies. If you want you can even pop a haste potion and run trough all of them!

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I complete gauntlets maybe 8 times out of 10, I look at the boxes to see monsters and loot, and then choose which path I want.

I only found it 4 times, and 3 times I did it (MiFi, and 2x with DjCj)