Singing Sword

Found this artefact in a shop for 3800 gold. Probably not worth switching, but still got some questions:

Would the Singing Sword damage my Hep ancestor?
Is it at all worth training up a new weapon to use the Singing Sword? I’m currently a longbow user.

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If you’re at a stage of the game that you have 3800 gold, then I’d say no to the second of those.

  1. You can safely use the singing sword with Hep ancestor (just verified it with a quick Ziggurat Sprint)
  2. Probably best to stick with the weapon you have as your primary one.

That said, I could see the singing sword being useful late game. Bow weilders of Hep don’t have many options for dealing with large crowds, so having the singing sword as an alternate weapon might be a good way to overcome that weakness (and there’s plenty of xp and gold in extended.)