What's a Race/Background/Feature/etc. do you want to return?

I’d be intrigued to see deep dwarves return in some capacity, even if I wasn’t around yet when they were removed.

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Not really a return, but Octopodes should be able to wear cloaks.

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Kitties should wear hats

Edit: Maybe scarves too. That’d be cute

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  1. Casually become Niko from Oneshot
  2. Ascend to godhood
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  1. Ash’ Tranfer knowledge

  2. Ash boosting all magic schools equally always

  3. Sif Muna rewarding exploration of magic with piety, rather than killing.
    (This one is a bit cheeky, because I don’t really think the piety-for-skill-training should come back. Simple exploration piety like Hep would be a great step forward already. And ideally I’d like to see something new.)

As a DD enjoyer I found DD quite unfun after the changes to weapon using monsters in 0.27. So if you want to get the real DD experience I suggest playing 0.26. Extra points for playing without a god that gives healing

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Ash’s perma-see-through-walls
Also, the very old spell doklorohe’s tomb seemed interesting, though possible quite overpowered in the dcss of today. Though do to a lack of the dig spell…

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