YAVP: DrWr of Elyvilon, 5 runes, my very second win

And I couldn’t help myself but to brag about it on the internet. The first time was way back in v0.18, a 3 rune run as a FoFi of Nemelex, after which I felt satisfied and stopped playing for a while.

Recently I’ve started wondering how the game was doing, especially since that hunger removing update. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of new stuff added and reworked and was willing explore the new DCSS a bit. I was especially intrigued by new shapeshifting mechanic, since transmuter were my favorite background and I never got to play a draconian in dragonform back then.

I went on to doom about 40 different random character combos before I got a Draconian Warper. I got unarmed as my starting weapon and set focus on shapeshifting immediately, which was, arguably, pretty stupid, since finding an early talisman is never a guarantee.

After going 5 levels without a talisman and suriving mainly on Blink and Teleport Other (I underestimated this spell for too long, it’s amazing actually) I decided to worship Elyvilon as a temporary survivability boost (I wanted a god that didn’t require Invocations, so I could dump more Exp into shapeshifting) and then found a beast talisman immediately after.

Then I won a genetic lottery by turning yellow, which got me a lot more confident. Every enemy got bathed in acid, if I missed they got teleported away. Later found maw talisman got me comfortaby through D8-D11 and then the entire Lair (literally chewing through packs of death yaks was extremely satisfying). At that point Elyvilon saved my scaly butt more than enough for me to commit completely and start learning Invocations. It turned out some direct healing power was just what my character needed.

I was extremely lucky to find Dragon Blood talisman in Lair 4, even though I had to fight a fire dragon for it. The dream finally came true and also I got the first source rPois for this run.

Going through Lair branches, even as a dragon was quite dangerous because of my insufficient Shapesifting skill (who knew studying seven skills at once would slow my progress?). Spider Nests were especially hard: Almost every tarantella encounter got me confused and poisoned, Pharaoh Ants landed painful attacks against me and Bai Suzhen almost left me a red splatter on the nearest wall. I ended almost every enemy in two attacks or less, but it wasn’t enough. If not for Elyvilon, it would’ve ended there.

Shoals were still difficult, but not nearly as much. Aquamancers were a threat and I almost got pecked apart by a pack of harpies once, but my constant use of Vhi’s Electric Charge and Dispersal allowed me to deal with the most dangerous enemies quickly and to escape exactly when needed. It was fortunate to not meet a lot of javeliners even on Shoals 4.

The next section was a blur. I got sent to Abyss twice in Elf, but other than that almost no trouble getting Vaults, Orc, Elf, Crypt and Depths cleared. Only close calls I had were when I met particularily dangerous uniques, like Frederick, who landed a plasma beam hit and almost finished me in our first encounter or Parghit, whom I had to pacify else he simply outdamaged me in melee.

I got a Storm talisman in Elf 3, but didn’t use it until I went for an Abyssal rune. Storm form have proven itself positively entertaining and petrification immunity was a save against ancient liches, from whom I suffered greatly in Vault 5. Dread liches and vampire knights were still a major pain though. I had to quaff an enlightnment potion every time I met one and to wear a basic ring of willpower, since I had no luck finding a proper artifact jewelery with at least Will+.

This weakness came out in the worst possible way when I was clearing out Hell for experience. A rogue vampire knight went in and paralysed me. It was the last time I went close to death in this run. After that I went to easily clear Slime Pits, and with the fifth rune collected, headed to Zot.

Zot1-4 were not as difficult. Using a combination of Blinkbolt and Vhi’s I made quick work of draconian casters and then took on the rest of the pack. But Zot 5 had seven Orbs of Fire and each encounter landed a nasty mutation on me so I had to go through at least 10 mutation potions. It was unpleasant, but not lethal.

The funniest thing happened to me once I started carrying Orb to the enrance. A pack of angels (Seraph and a few cherubim) landed next to me, all angry and such. But I, being the goodest of good boys, decided I don’t wanna kill them and tried to pacify instead. I knew it would be high chance since they’re good aligned monsters. What I didn’t know is that they would salute me and cheer me on once they recognised who I worship. It was somewhat sweet.

Overall it was a pretty easy run. A lot of things went my way and I could go for 15 runes but at that point I was pretty tired of the character and decided to call it a day.

P.S: I played on a downloaded client so I can’t leave a morgue link. Hope this counts as proof:

 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.31.0 (tiles) character file.

Game seed: 16384060833978284902

Karu the Skinwalker (Yellow Draconian Warper)     Turns: 101903, Time: 10:02:52

Health: 264/264    AC: 14    Str: 26    XL:     27
Magic:  35/35      EV: 54    Int: 14    God:    Elyvilon [******]
Gold:   9870       SH:  5    Dex: 24    Spells: 18/51 levels left

rFire   + . .          - Unarmed
rCold   . . .        (shield currently unavailable)
rNeg    + . .        (body armour unavailable)
rPois   ?            (helmet currently unavailable)
rElec   +            (cloak currently unavailable)
rCorr   +            (gloves currently unavailable)
SInv    +            f - melded +1 pair of boots of the Iron City of Dis {^Drain Will++ Regen+ SInv}
Will    +++..        P - amulet "Plog" {Reflect Dex+9 SH+5}
Stlth   ++           b - ring "Vucedics" {rF+ Will+ Str+5 Slay+4}
HPRegen 0.64/turn    k - ring "Wistah" {rElec rN+ rCorr SInv}
MPRegen 0.24/turn

%: reflection
@: storm-form, flying, studying 2 skills
A: cleaving, insubstantial, flying, (spit acid), AC +13, unfitting armour,
(acidic bite), (cold-blooded), (acid resistance), (hooves 1), agile 1, (cold
resistance 1), dopey 2, low MP 1, (heat vulnerability 1)
}: 5/15 runes: barnacled, slimy, silver, abyssal, gossamer
a: Blinkbolt, Begin Untransformation, Renounce Religion, Purification, Heal
Other, Heal Self, Divine Vigour

You are on level 5 of the Realm of Zot.
You worship Elyvilon.
Elyvilon is exalted by your worship.
You are a lightning-filled tempest!

You have visited 13 branches of the dungeon, and seen 57 of its levels.
You have visited the Abyss 3 times.
You have also visited: Sewer, Wizlab and Desolation.

You have collected 11653 gold pieces.
You have spent 1783 gold pieces at shops.


 B - 10 poisoned darts (quivered)
 X - 11 throwing nets
 f - the +1 pair of boots of the Iron City of Dis (melded) {^Drain Will++ Regen+ SInv}
   (You found it on level 5 of the Dungeon)   
   Will++:     It greatly increases your willpower.
   SInv:       It lets you see invisible.
   Regen+:     It increases your rate of health regeneration.
   ^Drain:     It drains your maximum health when unequipped.
 b - the ring "Vucedics" (left fist) {rF+ Will+ Str+5 Slay+4}
   (You acquired it on level 5 of the Realm of Zot)   
   [ring of slaying]
   Str+5:      It affects your strength (+5).
   Slay+4:     It affects your accuracy & damage with ranged weapons and melee
   rF+:        It protects you from fire.
   Will+:      It increases your willpower.
 k - the ring "Wistah" (right fist) {rElec rN+ rCorr SInv}
   (You found it on level 3 of the Lair of Beasts)   
   [ring of positive energy]
   rElec:      It insulates you from electricity.
   rN+:        It protects you from negative energy.
   SInv:       It lets you see invisible.
   rCorr:      It protects you from acid and corrosion.
 m - a ring of positive energy
 n - a ring of protection from fire
 u - the ring of Qazlal's Esteem {Ice rN+ Str+3 Int+4}
   (You took it off Josephina on level 4 of the Depths)   
   [ring of ice]
   Ice:        It enhances your ice magic.
   Str+3:      It affects your strength (+3).
   Int+4:      It affects your intelligence (+4).
   rF-:        It makes you vulnerable to fire.
   rC+:        It protects you from cold.
   rN+:        It protects you from negative energy.
 w - the ring of Harmony {+Blink rPois rC++ Str+3 Int+2 Stlth-}
   (You bought it in a shop on level 5 of the Dungeon)   
   [ring of poison resistance]
   Str+3:      It affects your strength (+3).
   Int+2:      It affects your intelligence (+2).
   rC++:       It greatly protects you from cold.
   rPois:      It protects you from poison
   +Blink:     It lets you blink.
   Stlth-:     It makes you less stealthy.
 y - a ring of willpower
 P - the amulet "Plog" (around neck) {Reflect Dex+9 SH+5}
   (You took it off a red devil in a wizard's laboratory)   
   [amulet of reflection]
   Reflect:    It reflects blocked missile attacks.
   Dex+9:      It affects your dexterity (+9).
   SH+5:       It affects your SH (+5).
 d - a dragon-blood talisman
 s - a storm talisman (active)
 S - a granite talisman
 h - a wand of paralysis (50)
 v - a wand of polymorph (8)
 x - a wand of iceblast (34)
 A - a wand of digging (12)
 D - a wand of flame (169)
 T - a wand of acid (20)
 U - a wand of mindburst (37)
 c - 12 scrolls of teleportation
 e - 38 scrolls of identify
 g - 3 scrolls of vulnerability
 G - 6 scrolls of poison
 I - 14 scrolls of fear
 K - 7 scrolls of revelation
 M - 10 scrolls of fog
 N - 9 scrolls of summoning
 W - 9 scrolls of immolation
 j - 20 potions of curing
 l - 9 potions of attraction
 o - 3 potions of magic
 p - 14 potions of heal wounds
 q - 12 potions of enlightenment
 r - 3 potions of mutation
 t - 3 potions of resistance
 z - 2 potions of invisibility
 C - 12 potions of brilliance
 E - a potion of ambrosia
 J - 5 potions of cancellation
 R - 6 potions of haste
 Y - 3 potions of might
 i - a box of beasts
 F - a condenser vane
 L - a phial of floods
 V - a phantom mirror

 + Level 24,4 Fighting
 - Level 0,8 Throwing
 + Level 19,3 Dodging
 + Level 20,4 Unarmed Combat
 - Level 12,6 Spellcasting
 - Level 20,3 Translocations
 + Level 18,6 Invocations
 + Level 12,5 Evocations
 * Level 25,8 Shapeshifting

You have 18 spell levels left.
You know the following spells:

 Your Spells              Type           Power      Damage    Failure   Level
a - Blink                 Tloc           100%       N/A       0%          2
b - Teleport Other        Tloc           60%        N/A       0%          3
c - Apportation           Tloc           100%       N/A       0%          1
e - Vhi's Electric Charg  Tloc/Air       74%        N/A       1%          4
f - Dispersal             Tloc           30%        N/A       1%          6
g - Manifold Assault      Tloc           60%        N/A       1%          4
h - Summon Forest         Summ/Tloc      18%        N/A       3%          5
i - Disjunction           Tloc           30%        N/A       13%         8

Your spell library contains the following spells:

 Spells                   Type           Power      Damage    Failure   Level
 Lesser Beckoning         Tloc           100%       N/A       0%          2
 Gell's Gravitas          Tloc           60%        N/A       0%          3
 Volatile Blastmotes      Fire/Tloc      74%        2d16      1%          3
 Iskenderun's Mystic Bla  Conj/Tloc      37%        2d9       1%          4
 Foxfire                  Conj/Fire      32%        2x1d5     9%          1
 Kiss of Death            Conj/Necr      32%        2d7       9%          1
 Necrotise                Necr           32%        1d5       9%          1
 Sandblast                Erth           16%        2d6       9%          1
 Sting                    Conj/Alch      32%        1d5       9%          1
 Summon Small Mammal      Summ           32%        N/A       9%          1
 Call Imp                 Summ           16%        N/A       12%         2
 Cigotuvi's Dreadful Rot  Necr/Alch/Air  16%        N/A       12%         2
 Ensorcelled Hibernation  Hex/Ice        16%        N/A       12%         2
 Jinxbite                 Hex            16%        N/A       12%         2
 Mercury Vapours          Alch/Air       16%        N/A       12%         2
 Scorch                   Fire           16%        2d5       12%         2
 Static Discharge         Conj/Air       16%        3-4/arc   12%         2
 Call Canine Familiar     Summ           8%         N/A       24%         3
 Confusing Touch          Hex            8%         N/A       24%         3
 Dazzling Flash           Conj/Hex       16%        N/A       24%         3
 Frozen Ramparts          Ice            16%        1d3       24%         3
 Fugue of the Fallen      Necr           8%         N/A       24%         3
 Hailstorm                Conj/Ice       8%         3d5       24%         3
 Inner Flame              Hex/Fire       8%         N/A       24%         3
 Mephitic Cloud           Conj/Alch/Air  8%         N/A       24%         3
 Ozocubu's Armour         Ice            8%         N/A       24%         3
 Passwall                 Erth           8%         N/A       24%         3
 Stone Arrow              Conj/Erth      16%        3d8       24%         3
 Summon Ice Beast         Ice/Summ       8%         N/A       24%         3
 Swiftness                Air            8%         N/A       24%         3
 Vampiric Draining        Necr           8%         2d6       24%         3
 Airstrike                Air            4%         2d(1-17)  63%         4
 Anguish                  Hex/Necr       4%         N/A       63%         4
 Animate Dead             Necr           8%         N/A       63%         4
 Brom's Barrelling Bould  Conj/Erth      8%         2d3       63%         4
 Cause Fear               Hex            4%         N/A       63%         4
 Dispel Undead            Necr           8%         3d8       63%         4
 Flame Wave               Conj/Fire      8%         2d5       63%         4
 Fulminant Prism          Conj/Alch      4%         3d5       63%         4
 Leda's Liquefaction      Alch/Erth      4%         N/A       63%         4
 Martyr's Knell           Necr/Summ      8%         N/A       63%         4
 Petrify                  Alch/Erth      8%         N/A       63%         4
 Summon Blazeheart Golem  Fire/Summ      8%         N/A       63%         4
 Summon Lightning Spire   Summ/Air       8%         N/A       63%         4
 Malign Gateway           Summ/Tloc      18%        N/A       71%         7
 Alistair's Intoxication  Alch           5%         N/A       92%         5
 Arcjolt                  Conj/Air       4%         1d14      92%         5
 Borgnjor's Vile Clutch   Necr/Erth      4%         N/A       92%         5
 Curse of Agony           Necr           8%         N/A       92%         5
 Irradiate                Conj/Alch      4%         3d13      92%         5
 Lee's Rapid Deconstruct  Erth           4%         3d5*      92%         5
 Metabolic Englaciation   Hex/Ice        4%         N/A       92%         5
 Silence                  Hex/Air        4%         N/A       92%         5
 Summon Mana Viper        Hex/Summ       8%         N/A       92%         5
 Yara's Violent Unravell  Hex/Alch       4%         3d4       92%         5
 Bombard                  Conj/Erth      4%         9d2       100%        6
 Eringya's Noxious Bog    Alch           4%         4d6       100%        6
 Plasma Beam              Fire/Air       4%         2x1d14    100%        6
 Sculpt Simulacrum        Ice/Alch       4%         N/A       100%        6
 Starburst                Conj/Fire      4%         6d3       100%        6
 Summon Cactus Giant      Summ           4%         N/A       100%        6
 Enfeeble                 Hex            4%         N/A       100%        7
 Haunt                    Necr/Summ      4%         N/A       100%        7
 Monstrous Menagerie      Summ           4%         N/A       100%        7
 Spellforged Servitor     Conj/Summ      4%         N/A       100%        7
 Summon Hydra             Summ           4%         N/A       100%        7
 Ignition                 Fire           4%         3d4       100%        8
 Lehudib's Crystal Spear  Conj/Erth      4%         10d3      100%        8
 Maxwell's Capacitive Co  Air            4%         ?         100%        8
 Chain Lightning          Conj/Air       4%         3d5       100%        9
 Dragon's Call            Summ           4%         N/A       100%        9
 Fire Storm               Conj/Fire      4%         8d1       100%        9
 Shatter                  Erth           4%         3d7*      100%        9
 Sublimation of Blood     Necr           Unusable   N/A       N/A         2
 Animate Armour           Summ/Erth      Unusable   N/A       N/A         4

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (15/15)            Temple (1/1) D:7            Lair (5/5) D:11        
 Shoals (4/4) Lair:3       Spider (4/4) Lair:3        Slime (5/5) Lair:5      
    Orc (2/2) D:11            Elf (3/3) Orc:2        Vaults (5/5) D:13        
  Crypt (3/3) Vaults:3       Tomb (0/3) Crypt:3      Depths (4/4) D:15        
   Hell (visited)             Dis (0/7) Hell            Geh (0/7) Hell        
    Coc (0/7) Hell            Tar (0/7) Hell            Zot (5/5) Depths:4    
  Sewer (visited)          WizLab (visited)         Desolation (visited)      

Nemelex Xobeh
Sif Muna
Wu Jian
The Shining One

D:5 ==!**   D:6 *[[=[   D:7 :   Orc:1 =   Orc:2 *[!:(   Shoals:1 *
Vaults:3 :   Depths:1 =::   Depths:3 [

Hell: Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:3 Depths:4
Abyss: Depths:1 Depths:3
Pandemonium: Depths:1 Depths:2
Ziggurat: Depths:4

Lair:3 1 exclusion
Zot:5 1 exclusion

Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

You are a lightning-filled tempest!
Your electrical attacks strike out in all directions at once.
You are incredibly evasive.
Your insubstantial body is immune to petrification, constriction, and being set on fire
You are flying.
Your armour is entirely melded.
You are incapable of wielding weapons or throwing items.
((You can spit globs of acid.))
((Your golden yellow scales are hard. (AC +13)))
You cannot fit into any form of body armour.
You are immune to poison.
((You have acidic saliva.))
((You are cold-blooded and may be slowed by cold attacks.))
((You are resistant to acid. (rCorr)))
((You have large cloven feet.))
You are agile. (Dex +4, Str/Int -1)
((Your flesh is cold resistant. (rC+)))
You are very dopey. (Int -4)
Your magical capacity is low. (-10% MP)
((You are vulnerable to heat. (rF-)))

Message History

You closely miss the dread lich.
The dread lich is severely damaged.
You feel roots moving beneath the ground.
Your dryad hits the dread lich but does no damage.
The dread lich splashes around in the water.
You hit the dread lich but do no damage.
The dread lich is severely damaged.
You blast the dread lich!!!
You destroy the dread lich!
You start resting.
Tree limbs sway around you.
Trunks creak and shift. x2
The forest calms down.
You start resting.
Your dryad disappears in a puff of smoke!
Space becomes stable.
You start resting.
You start to feel less resistant.
You start resting.
An ancient lich is nearby!
Your resistance to elements expires.
The ancient lich shouts!
You blast the ancient lich!!!
The ancient lich is heavily damaged.
The ancient lich gestures wildly while chanting.
The ancient lich seems to speed up.
You blast the ancient lich!!!!
You destroy the ancient lich!
You start resting.
Your enlightenment fades.
You start resting.
HP restored.
You start resting.
Magic restored.
You see here the Orb of Zot.
Done exploring.
Done exploring.
Okay, then.
Unknown command.
Saving game... please wait.

...---             ---...
.....--           --.....
..^...- --------- -^.....
......# --------- #......
....^##           ##.....
...-##             ##-...
----                 ----
----#               #----
.[..###           ###...^
##....##         ##....##

There are no monsters in sight!

Vanquished Creatures
  the Royal Jelly (Slime:5)
  8 dread liches
  Frederick (Crypt:1)
  5 ancient liches
  7 orbs of fire (Zot:5)
  Mara (Depths:1)
  2 juggernauts
  Sojobo (Vaults:2)
  Vv (Crypt:1)
  Josephina (Depths:4)
  A royal mummy (Crypt:3)
  Bai Suzhen (Spider:3)
  3 Killer Klowns
  6 caustic shrikes
  4 curse toes
  Saint Roka (Crypt:1)
  Arachne (Spider:2)
  10 golden dragons
  Geryon (Hell)
  the Enchantress (Depths:3)
  3 bone dragons (Abyss:4)
  2 electric golems (Zot:5)
  A Hellbinder (WizLab)
  14 tentacled monstrosities
  5 liches
  An Ice Fiend (Depths:2)
  A hellephant (WizLab)
  2 walking earthen tomes (Depths:3)
  A shard shrike skeleton (Crypt:3)
  6 titans
  9 quicksilver dragons
  25 Orb Guardians (Zot:5)
  5 sphinxes
  Asterion (Spider:4)
  20 acid blobs
  2 deep elf master archers (Elf:3)
  A walking divine tome (Depths:3)
  3 ancient champions
  2 deep elf blademasters (Elf:3)
  6 tentacled starspawn
  6 death cobs
  Agnes (Spider:1)
  5 tengu reavers
  11 storm dragons
  Aizul (Vaults:1)
  4 protean progenitors
  12 rockslimes
  12 azure jellies
  2 revenants (Crypt:2)
  8 shadow dragons
  4 draconian monks
  8 deep elf sorcerers
  7 draconian knights
  6 draconian shifters
  A nagaraja (Abyss:4)
  7 fire giants
  6 frost giants
  2 imperial myrmidons (Desolation)
  2 curse skulls
  6 emperor scorpions
  9 deep elf elementalists (Elf:3)
  9 ghost moths
  5 draconian scorchers
  4 draconian stormcallers
  4 balrugs
  A caustic shrike zombie (Hell)
  20 vault wardens
  4 ghouls (Crypt:1)
  3 juggernaut zombies (Crypt:3)
  5 draconian annihilators
  19 ironbound preservers
  3 caustic shrike skeletons
  11 reapers
  An orc warlord (Vaults:2)
  8 broodmothers
  8 very ugly things
  5 spriggan defenders (Depths:3)
  5 vampire knights
  The ghost of Napsablock the Thaumaturge, a journeyman KoCA of Ignis (Orc:1)
  11 quicksilver oozes
  7 ironbound thunderhulks
  12 green draconians
  17 formless jellyfish
  9 stone giants
  2 elemental wellsprings (Shoals:2)
  6 deep elf demonologists
  A juggernaut skeleton (Crypt:3)
  Nessos (Orc:2)
  The ghost of Tacit the Basher, a journeyman GrMo of Gozag (Spider:2)
  2 rockslime zombies
  6 deep elf annihilators (Elf:3)
  12 black draconians
  9 white draconians
  4 spark wasps
  11 yellow draconians
  8 deep elf death magi
  2 lorocyprocas
  3 war gargoyles
  10 purple draconians
  12 red draconians
  12 eidola
  6 dire elephants
  2 pale draconians (Depths:4)
  9 fire dragons
  10 ettins
  4 crystal guardians
  4 iron golems
  2 blizzard demons (Depths:1)
  16 yaktaur captains
  6 merfolk impalers
  2 green deaths
  8 deep elf high priests
  5 merfolk javelineers
  2 jiangshi
  10 ragged hierophants (Desolation)
  4 entropy weavers
  5 great orbs of eyes
  2 juggernaut simulacra
  31 vault guards
  8 hydras
  Harold (Orc:1)
  2 fenstrider witch zombies (Crypt:3)
  7 catoblepae
  2 hell beasts (WizLab)
  A caustic shrike simulacrum (Depths:4)
  2 spriggan zombies
  13 ice dragons
  3 jorogumos
  3 rakshasas
  6 servants of whispers (Desolation)
  5 radroaches
  An alligator snapping turtle (Shoals:2)
  A fenstrider witch skeleton (Crypt:3)
  5 ogre magi
  10 peacekeepers
  A bennu zombie (Crypt:1)
  3 spriggan skeletons
  6 centaur warriors
  3 spriggan air magi
  3 merfolk avatars
  5 death knights
  9 satyrs
  9 ironbound frosthearts
  4 tengu warriors
  12 merfolk aquamancers
  9 two-headed ogres
  A two-headed ogre (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5)
  12 boulder beetles
  A death scarab (Spider:1)
  7 deep troll shamans
  4 demonic crawlers
  9 deep troll earth magi
  20 death yaks
  4 vampire magi (Crypt:1)
  37 dancing weapons
  2 orc high priests (Crypt:1)
  11 thrashing horrors
  An occultist (Depths:2)
  6 spriggan berserkers
  A storm dragon zombie (Hell)
  Sonja (D:11)
  18 deep elf knights
  16 hell knights
  17 iron trolls
  5 pharaoh ants
  13 soul eaters
  Nergalle (Orc:2)
  A fire crab (Lair:3)
  8 sun demons
  4 wretched stars
  21 skeletal warriors
  6 skysharks
  49 deep trolls
  5 sixfirhies
  A spatial maelstrom (Abyss:4)
  A storm dragon skeleton (Crypt:1)
  A shadow wraith (Vaults:5)
  A spark wasp zombie (Depths:2)
  2 swamp dragons (Abyss:4)
  6 arcanists
  5 flayed ghosts
  2 obsidian statues (Depths:1)
  12 sea snakes
  A glowing orange brain (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5)
  An iron giant skeleton (Crypt:2)
  Pikel (D:5)
  2 shadow demons (WizLab)
  4 orange crystal statues
  3 glowing orange brains
  8 orb spiders
  An anaconda skeleton (Hell)
  A spriggan simulacrum (Crypt:1)
  A bog body (Crypt:1)
  An anaconda zombie (Hell)
  16 lindwurms
  3 steelbarb worms
  10 deep elf archers
  26 ironbound convokers
  2 bunyip skeletons
  6 orc knights
  21 phantasmal warriors
  A wolf spider zombie (Crypt:1)
  22 harpies
  36 deep elf zephyrmancers
  15 fauns
  38 deep elf pyromancers
  40 ugly things
  8 orc sorcerers (Orc:2)
  28 necromancers
  21 wolf spiders
  4 shining eyes
  A will-o-the-wisp (Abyss:4)
  14 manticores
  5 black mambas
  A worldbinder (Abyss:3)
  An alligator skeleton (Hell)
  10 meliai
  An iron dragon skeleton (Crypt:3)
  24 moths of wrath
  14 cyclopes
  A draconian skeleton (Crypt:1)
  A moth of wrath (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5)
  2 stone giant skeletons
  2 centaur zombies
  A dire elephant zombie (Crypt:3)
  11 rust devils
  3 apocalypse crabs (Abyss:4)
  An eye of devastation (Slime:2)
  4 elephants (Lair:5)
  10 merfolk sirens
  21 vault sentinels
  3 naga skeletons
  A naga zombie (Crypt:1)
  13 water nymphs
  2 ice statues (Hell)
  9 smoke demons
  6 molten gargoyles
  5 guardian serpents (Desolation)
  8 torpor snails
  13 cane toads
  2 alligator snapping turtle zombies
  2 centaur skeletons (Crypt:3)
  Maggie (Lair:2)
  A sea snake zombie (Hell)
  2 unseen horrors
  A hellion (Hell)
  4 rime drakes
  8 large abominations
  4 orange demons
  A red draconian zombie (Crypt:1)
  A yaktaur (shapeshifter) (Spider:4)
  7 freezing wraiths
  4 kobold demonologists
  28 yaktaurs
  An anaconda simulacrum (Lair:2)
  A bunyip simulacrum (Crypt:1)
  3 tengu conjurers
  10 komodo dragons
  3 tormentors
  6 ancient zymes
  An efreet (Abyss:4)
  A pale draconian zombie (Crypt:1)
  A golden dragon simulacrum (Depths:2)
  3 hydra zombies
  2 guardian mummies (Crypt:3)
  8 harpy zombies
  13 ice devils
  3 red devils
  24 merfolk
  14 hellwings
  3 polar bears
  7 raiju (Abyss:4)
  9 wind drakes
  4 hornets (Depths:3)
  3 harpy skeletons
  A red draconian skeleton (Crypt:1)
  28 tarantellas
  7 trolls
  3 alligator simulacra (Hell)
  3 shadow dragon simulacra
  12 snapping turtles
  18 blink frogs
  An ettin zombie (Crypt:1)
  10 dream sheep
  56 saltlings (Desolation)
  3 glass eyes
  A snapping turtle (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5)
  118 slime creatures
  A shadow (D:13)
  7 spriggans (Depths:3)
  25 jumping spiders
  5 wyverns
  A frost giant simulacrum (Depths:2)
  A satyr skeleton (Crypt:1)
  A dire elephant simulacrum (Crypt:1)
  2 ettin skeletons
  3 ynoxinuls (Abyss:3)
  22 culicivoras
  An air elemental (Elf:1)
  10 wraiths
  8 basilisks
  73 yaks
  9 water elementals
  A golden eye (Slime:5)
  20 starcursed masses
  4 neqoxecs (Abyss:4)
  3 wargs (Orc:2)
  A basilisk (shapeshifter) (Depths:3)
  50 redbacks
  3 steam dragons
  3 vampire mosquitoes (D:13)
  3 chaos spawn
  A sea snake simulacrum (Hell)
  5 fire elementals (Elf:1)
  Menkaure (D:6)
  7 small abominations
  A glowing shapeshifter zombie (Crypt:2)
  7 acid dragons
  A water nymph zombie (Crypt:2)
  A two-headed ogre skeleton (Crypt:3)
  A demonspawn zombie (Crypt:1)
  3 hell hounds
  14 water moccasins
  2 hydra simulacra (Lair:2)
  An ogre skeleton (Vaults:3)
  18 orc warriors
  6 ice beasts
  13 laughing skulls
  10 ogres
  A human skeleton (Vaults:3)
  3 wolves (D:11)
  A centaur (D:6)
  5 boggarts
  A swamp dragon skeleton (Crypt:1)
  A human zombie (Vaults:3)
  4 lemures (D:5)
  A lindwurm skeleton (Crypt:1)
  A phantom (D:4)
  3 weeping skulls
  13 bullfrogs
  4 kobold brigands
  A gnoll sergeant (D:9)
  3 scorpions
  A yaktaur skeleton (Crypt:2)
  An earth elemental (Elf:3)
  A glowing shapeshifter simulacrum (Depths:2)
  A necrophage (Crypt:1)
  7 wyvern skeletons
  4 wights (D:10)
  6 killer bees
  A blink frog simulacrum (Lair:2)
  14 electric eels
  5 howler monkeys
  A quasit (Abyss:3)
  A hound (D:4)
  3 bombardier beetles
  A jelly (D:6)
  A water moccasin simulacrum (Lair:2)
  19 orc priests
  Jessica (D:14)
  4 iguanas
  2 sleepcaps
  42 orc wizards
  A hell rat (Hell)
  An acid dragon zombie (Crypt:2)
  A black bear simulacrum (Lair:2)
  A mummy (Crypt:3)
  10 gnolls
  2 adders
  A river rat (Sewer)
  A shadow imp (D:6)
  3 white imps
  2 ufetubi (D:5)
  A lava snake skeleton (Crypt:1)
  A dart slug (D:1)
  6 ribbon worms
  105 orcs
  5 bats
  3 endoplasms
  3 giant cockroaches
  4 hobgoblins
  A jackal (Sewer)
  19 kobolds
  2 quokkas (D:1)
  7 ball pythons
  An endoplasm zombie (Crypt:2)
  A frilled lizard (D:1)
  11 goblins
  9 rats
  4 aspiring fleshes
  A lurking horror (Abyss:4)
  A starspawn tentacle (Abyss:4)
2806 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
  A caustic shrike (Depths:4)
  An acid blob (Slime:5)
  An azure jelly (Slime:5)
  A frost giant (Vaults:5)
  A rockslime (Slime:5)
  A draconian annihilator (Zot:3)
  A reaper (Hell)
  A quicksilver ooze (Slime:5)
  A radroach (Spider:2)
  A necromancer (Crypt:3)
  A hellwing (Crypt:3)
  4 laughing skulls (Crypt:2)
  A glowing shapeshifter simulacrum (Depths:4)
16 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  A golden dragon (Zot:4)
  A deep elf knight (Elf:2)
  A deep elf zephyrmancer (Elf:1)
  A hellwing (Crypt:3)
  A saltling (Desolation)
  A steam dragon (Depths:4)
  A chaos spawn (Depths:1)
  A bullfrog (Lair:3)
  2 foxfires (Abyss:4)
  2 lurking horrors
  2 snaplasher vines
  7 starspawn tentacles
21 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 2843 creatures vanquished

Edit: added additional screenshot, since morgue character file was somehow from a previous save.

1 Thank

Good for you! I have a lot more than 2 wins, but still never won a Warper, nor with Elyvilon.

2 Thanks