Papilios would be butterfly people. They would start out as caterpillars with strong melee aptitudes such as fighting, armor, and high strength. At some point between level 14-20 they would turn into a butterfly. When they turn into a butterfly there skills switch to benefit spell casting. There strength switches to intelligence, there fighting switches to spell casting, and there armor switches to dodging. This would mean that if you wanted high intelligence in the late game you would invest in strength in the early game. There could also be different kinds of butterflies. For example there could be a luna moth that has a halo and high hex aptitudes or a monarch that has high fire aptitudes. LMK what you think?
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Interesting timing requesting this right after the equipment slot rework….
No body armour, but 3 pairs of boots and 6 pairs of gloves
…If you can find them before XL16
3 pairs of boots and 6 pairs of gloves would low kea be really cool. I think u could have all the unrand boots and gloves
1 Thank
Can we note that in dcss lore, you become an adult at XL7?
Flavor-wise, it’d be odd for a butterfly to remain a caterpillar for double that.
Though, obviously, XL7 is drastically early for a switch like that.
Also, I believe bloatcrawl has a butterfly
Bit harsh for formicids, who get 4 hands and 1 pair of gloves. (I wonder if that will change now in vanilla?)