Tavern Snacks casual clan?

Caught another break, a faded altar on D:1 became Jiyva, so I got a quick rune and gem, but as a KoHW I ran into the usual HW problem and couldn’t get to any decent AoE spells. Made it down to Swamp:4 but didn’t feel good about navigating it, went back up to Snake but got sandwiched between a black mamba and a shock serpent, they got too many attacks in before I could jellify either one.

Just need one more for Gelatinous Body 2, which is generally my high-water mark in a tournament. I have an outside shot at Explorer 2 but I need to either get through Shoals/Swamp or get a really lucky break somewhere else :laughing: and I think my abyssal rune was that break.

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Well, i’ve had a streak of good fun characters with annoyingly avoidable deaths :roll_eyes: :laughing:

I think the most fun one was my AtHW of Uskayaw; with Passwall, Confusing Touch, and Mephitic Cloud I was stabbing my way around every level. Rampage is really good for stabbers. I had never played this much with Usk and I can see how they’re great at complementing a stabber build, since stabbers tend to excel at 1-on-1 but struggle with groups, Usk shores up the weakness by incentivizing you to fight larger groups. Unfortunately I died stairdancing the mobs of Spider:4

Currently have a DjCK that converted to Lugonu when Xom banished me in the early game. Doing great with spells and a +8 Double Sword. Gotta try to reallllllly focus on not dying when I boot the game up.

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@sanka Sometimes it is like that – I suspect you’ve had much less time to play than I have this time around. I did luck out finally on a low turncount VSFi attempt (Oka gave me a crazy crystal plate and quick blade); couldn’t quite pull it under 30,000, and nowhere near my best ever, but fun to have the stars align for once!

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wow, nice! what general tactics changes do you do when you do low turncount? i always run from branch to branch collecting consumables and/or visiting shops around the time i’m clearing depths or zot, which i’m sure adds tons of extra turns

@kerplinkittyplunk Let me clarify that I am not much of a speedrunner - it is mostly RNG on a specific attempt at a faster TC that does it. That being said, I do try not to ever backtrack unless absolutely necessary, including doing Lair branches when coming out of Lair instead of going done to D:15 first.

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BOTHER I lost my GhFE to a komodo. I had full Ru piety but was exhausted grrrrrrrr.

I’ve been unexpectedly busy with stuff and I’d like to at least get a rune with something.

Weren’t skalds removed several versions ago? How am I encountering the ghost of one? (xfalz, a GnSk of Ashenzari)

bummer! GL on the next one :slight_smile:

based on DCSS Stats, xfalz went through a GnSk phase back in 2019… i wonder how ghosts get picked/generated in game and how far back they can be drawn from

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The wiki has a pretty good description of the generation process, probably straight from the source code. Since this was on cko and it goes back to 0.18, I would guess there are a large number of old player ghosts to draw from. The code to map their old spells and abilities to new ones should be pretty interesting … if you don’t have to fight the ghost, that is.

I’ll have to keep an eye out for that on cao - at some point I might have seen an older player ghost but I probably didn’t notice.

Indeed I didn’t have to fight it; died to being paralyzed by an ogre mage I hadn’t noticed was there first.

dang haha, too bad.

i almost always leave ghost vaults closed until i’ve cleared several more floors at least

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Phew, i got my win. it was actually kinda sad to grab the orb; i was so lucky on gear and spells i feel like the character could have done a good bit of extended…fire storm and shatter, summon horrible things and malign gateway, even borgjnor’s revivification as an emergency button. but it’s been a long time since i went to pandemonium or the hell branches and i’m sure i would’ve died haha.

it’s my first win for djinni, and CK, and lugonu!

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@kerplinkittyplunk Congrats on the win! It is very satisfying to get one over the line, I think.

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knocked out four games with runes in January, then the calendar flipped to February and I hit a wall, keep getting runs that are fine until it’s time to hit a rune branch and then nothing. Better than usual, though. Probably have time for one more decent shot, the end of the tournament comes up pretty quick on USA time :laughing:

Oh agreed, I had left it closed. And gone to do Orc:2, and encountered many ogres, some of them mages, and kersplat.

31st! Very respectable. Well done everyone! Thanks for playing and see you again next time.

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Agreed - lots of fun again! Hard to believe another tourney is done. Best one yet for me in some ways - a strong turn count run with non-DD for the first time (glad not to have to try Meteoran anymore!), and pretty far up on the piety chart. Thanks again to Moanerette for being captain.

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Thanks to you for organizing! And congrats to all, especially to strat and kerplink on their wins.

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31st for .31 —maybe the true winners? :wink:

thanks for the comradeship, everyone! it’s been fun! now time for a week or two without looking at a computer during all my free time :woozy_face: :smirk:

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Congrats everyone! This was a pretty good tournament, glad to see a bunch of good runs and a nice set of wins. Looking forward to 0.32!

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