TSO weapon gift needs a change - suggestion

The TSO power that gives a weapon Holy Wrath is a bit useless, as HW is so common as a brand on found items.

Better would be the gift a a single, acquirement-level weapon, with guaranteed HW brand, like Oka’s single weapon gift. So you end up with e.g +9 morningstar/broad axe/dbl sword/quickblade of holy wrath (Will++ rF+) or similar.

Only possible con I can see, is if people going to hells late in the game tend to HW their existing weapon.

I’ve never really found holy wrath commonly until you start running into angels, and TSO’s holy branding can also create holy versions of demon weapons, which are some of the best one-handed weapons in the game. Holy versions of demon weapons are really quite rare, excluding a few specific unrands, I’ve never seen them outside TSO’s fortress.

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